Friday, May 30, 2008

Dot & Charles

Dot and Charles had a beautifully sunny day, perfect for a party at the Camden County Boathouse. This was such a cool room for a party, with a huge balcony overlooking the river.

Dot had such pretty bouquets!

And check out her shoes - rhinestone bedazzled Crocs!

Her brother Martin was quite dashing in his uniform.

What good sports! No one even grumbled, and it's not as cold in there as Martin makes it look!

I just loved this sweet moment when Charles' dad took Dot's grandma out for a twirl on the dance floor.

Last, but not least, the BEST cake topper, made by our very own bride and groom.


Caits said...

Hey Sarah! I love that cake topper!!

Looks like a fun wedding!

Sarah Schulte said...

Thanks Caitlin! It was a blast - no double decker bus, but we DID stop traffic!!!

KamilaHarris said...

Oh wow, what a fun bridal party shot, that is great!!