Thursday, October 23, 2008

Days of Luke's Life

One of my favorite things about being home during the day now is that Luke is happy because he gets all kinds of extra attention - walks, treats, cuddles under my sweatshirt. I've begun to notice all his funny little habits too, like this one. He will be happy as a clam sleeping in his bed or buried in the couch pillows. As soon as the boiler kicks on, his head pops up and he looks around, like "Could it be?!?" Then the blower starts, and this silly dog is on the floor with his stomach facing the vent, completely sprawled out and panting because he is so ridiculously hot. As soon as it shuts off, he drinks a bowl of water and goes back to his former spot. Silly dog.

1 comment:

Caits said...

Aren't dogs the best:)?